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  3. Extract Text from eBook

Ebook parser

Extract text and metadata from EPUB, FB2, CHM online

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EBook File Formats

Ebook files are electronic files that can be opened on digital devices known as eReaders. An eReader can be any device such as a computer, a tablet or a smartphone. The most popular ebook file format is the XML based ePub that can easily be read by several applications. Some popular eReaders include Amazon Kindle, Sony Reader, Hanlin and IRIX. An eBook can contain different types of contents such as text, image, and video.

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How it works

How to extract text and metadata from eBook files

Step 1
Click inside the file drop area to upload a eBook file or drag & drop a eBook file.
Step 2
Once your eBook is processed click on Download Now button.
Step 3
You may also send the download link to any email address by clicking on Email button.

Other file and document parsers

Parser supports most popular file and document formats including Word, Excel, PowerPoint. Please see the complete list below.

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